Constitution of the United States

Constitution of the United States

What are we all about?

What is it about our politics that is "Right?" It is a young politics, a modern view of the world. We reject the old methods of the past. We accept and utilize new technologies. We are connected. Our world is digital and decentralized and distributed. Our world is broadband, run in parallel, not serial. We have choice in more ways today than ever before. We reject the solutions of the past that depended on the technologies of the past. We embrace the future, which we will have to live in. Our fresh and enlightened perspective demands our voice be heard and have a place at the table where the decisions that directly affect us today and in the future will be made.

Therefore we reject the central planning and moribund institutions of our current government. We are not revolutionaries, but are committed to working within the system to bring the system into the present, and then the future. We believe in the vision of the founders of this great nation which was all about personal choice and freedom and not at all about central control over every aspect of our lives.

We support candidates for public office who support our vision irrespective of party affiliation. We support and assist anyone who wants to get more involved in the political process, from providing educational materials to aid in the voting registration process to helping our members get to the polling place on election day.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Founding Statement

That American education, teachers, and curricula fail to educate our youth in our history, and no longer imbue students with a moral or ethical understanding of our uniqueness and greatness, and

That public schools refuse to cover current events in a coherent way, and

We must establish a forum where resources can be collected so that young people can learn these things, meet like-minded individuals, and find assistance in registering to vote, and voting.

We shall conduct outreach and provide a means where young citizens can share their experiences understanding, and debate their opinions on issues of the day.